Meeting date: 02-03-2023 (10h30)
What was done
I searched about image segmentation in deepstream and about the integration of deepstream in ROS and faced some difficulties. Then I started to look for alternative ways to do inference tasks with high performance and found out a package, ‣, but this will be problematic to use with multitask neural networks and will take lots of time to adapt. I then decided to go for a simpler solution, but I had problems with Jetson that I have to solve first. Since I don't have time to solve all problems until the next meeting, I tested a multitask neural network (YOLOPv2) to have at least one thing working.
I would like to try to test all alternatives with a model compatible with all methods (deepstream, jetson-inference and pytorch-tensorrt) to see the difference in performance and conclude if is necessary to invest time in adaptations
Problems to solve
Jetson OS
Possible solution
What was done
I searched for image segmentation in DeepStream and there is what I found out: